Time to Renew/Join the VLA for 2010!

The Vermont Library Association (VLA) invites you to join or renew your membership in our organization in 2010. Your membership is vital to the well-being of libraries in Vermont, and to your own professional development. VLA is over 350 members strong, and every new or renewed membership means we can accomplish more for Vermont libraries.

By the way, we ARE having the 116th VLA Conference in 2010 !! It will be a one-day event on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 in Colchester, VT at St. Michael’s College. Registration is limited.  Details will be forthcoming.

As you may know, we support continuing education programs, workshops, and lectures throughout the year, and inform members about these opportunities for growth. We research salary guidelines and provide information to librarians, trustees, and employers. In addition, VLA officers represent our members on the American Library Association Council and the New England Library Association Board. VLA also keeps a keen eye on national issues that affect libraries.

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Time to Think About Renewing Your Membership for 2009!

To all current members, thank you for being a member of the Vermont Libraries Association in 2008.

VLA Memberships are on a calendar year basis.  Please add us to your To-Do lists.

Your membership helps support efforts to promote libraries, literacy and intellectual freedom.  As a member you receive timely letters from the VLA President, notice of VLA programs designed to expand your knowledge and help you become better acquainted with librarians across the state. You have a voice in the association and a vote in the annual meeting.
You are also eligible for discounted registration at VLA events including the annual Vermont Library Conference.  VLA members also get a 20% tuition reduction at Drexel University Online.

We can’t do it without you!

Please renew your membership for the year 2009! The PDF VLA Membership Form is available with other membership information in the VLA Info column to your left.
