Book Giveaway at Midstate Library Service Center: Oct. 6-7

Dear Public and School Librarians,

The Mistate Library Service Center and the Northeast Regional Library have recently finished merging their collections into one.  Due to a large number of duplicates and a general need for weeding older titles, we have thousands of books looking for new homes.  On October 6th and 7th from 8am to 4pm MLSC (578 Paine Turnpike N, Berlin 05602) will be opening its doors to public and school librarians to take these discarded books.   Half of what are being given away are older adult titles, mostly fiction with some biography, and half children’s books, many of which are recent juvenile fiction.   Be sure to bring boxes or bags to help carry your books out.  If you have any questions please contact Jeremiah Kellogg at or 802-828-2320.