Getting Vital Information to the Public

Greetings all.

We have heard from many of you over the past 10 days and recognize what an amazing group of people we have in the Vermont library world! So many of you have become emergency response centers or stayed open additional hours or just listened to people who are confused or in shock after Hurrican Irene. As a new resident in Vermont it has been a real eye-opener about this state.

As you have noticed, we’re posting to our web site, sending notes to the listservs, and tweeting or re-tweeting as we follow efforts throughout the state to get vital information to those who need it. So just a reminder today that many Vermonters are still without access to some media and we need to spread important information far and wide.

For instance, are you printing and posting the notices you receive here or through Twitter and Facebook? Your staff and your neighbors need to be aware of safety notices (food and water), warnings about fraud and safety as well as processes for applying to FEMA or finding loans to rebuild businesses.

So please, communicate frequently with your town officials, post important information on your doors or central bulletin boards where people can see them even when the library is closed. Ask your Town Clerk and other leaders in your community what information they are providing and see if you can supplement it. Do not worry for now about repitition. If we see notices from 5 different places – email, listservs, twitter, posted at Town Hall – that’s ok. The important thing today is that people without internet, or access to the library, or a television are still hearing how to get help they need and stay safe.

We will continue to tweet or retweet from VermontLib, as well as posting updates to our home pageand I would very much like to hear from you (by phone or email) about how your library is doing.

Thank you again for all you’ve been doing. I’m so proud to work with such generous and thoughtful people.

Best regards,


Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries