Green Mountain Library Constortium Seeks Volunteer Listen Up! Vermont Coordinator

Spread the word! Contact the GMLC Executive Director if you’re interested at
Duties of the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee Coordinator:

  1. Ensure new content appears in the collection on a regular basis
  2. Ensure that the Listen Up! Vermont collection spending remains in budget (given by GMLC ED)
  3. Ensure that all purchases conform with the Green Mountain Library Consortium Selection Policy
  4. Ensure that the Listen Up! Vermont collection is meeting the needs of its users – for example, noting popular titles and subjects and maintaining a reasonably low wait period for titles
  5. Responsibly spend any grant funds procured for content, maintaining a record of purchases for grant reporting
  6. Ensure that the cataloging for the content on the Listen Up! Vermont site meets our state and consortium’s appropriate guidelines, including the proper cataloging of Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Green Mountain Book Award, and Red Clover titles
  7. Organizes and facilitates the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee’s meetings, communications, and purchases, including periodic updates of the “Staff Picks” Collection
  8. Recruits members for the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee, if necessary